What to Expect on Sunday at Condit Presbyterian Church
Where do I park and where do I go?   There is plenty of parking on both sides of the building, and both main entrances are open. The worship gathering is in our sanctuary, just inside each entrance. At the back door to the sanctuary, there will be greeters to hand you a program and answer any questions you might have. This space is called the narthex, and also has a recent church newsletter and other information about the church and upcoming activities. Before the service, you will find people enjoying donuts and coffee, while chatting about their week (usually lots of laughter and commentary on Columbus sports).

What should I wear?   People wear comfortable clothing – anything from jeans and a t-shirt to dresses and suits.
Do I have to say anything or be recognized?  At 10:00, the liturgist starts with announcements. In each pew (row of seats) there will be a “red pew pad” where you can record your attendance. This is optional, but if you give some contact information, our pastor will send you a note and offer to meet with you if you would desire that. Introverts, have no fear: you won’t be asked to stand up or introduce yourself during the service, but you can count on our friendly extroverts to say hello before or after the gathering!
What happens in the service?   The worship begins with music and one of our acolytes lights the candles on the communion table that represent Jesus Christ’s presence with us. There will be singing of hymns and songs. We will pray for and celebrate forgiveness of sins. Our choir will sing or the bell choir will play.

What about my young children?   Young children forward for the children’s message. Parents are welcome to come down with them and sit in the front row.  As the children depart for their Sunday School classes, the whole congregation joins in singing a blessing to them called “Go Now In Peace.” On the 1st Sunday of each month and all during the summer months, the children stay in the service the entire time with their families. There is a staffed nursery available for those who want their babies and toddlers to have a safe space to play or rest. Our children sometimes make noise, have to get up to attend to needs, and squirm! It is okay! We truly love our young families and want them here.
Do you talk about the Bible?   Scripture is read and proclaimed in a sermon by our pastor. The sermon teaches us some background on the passage, explains what it meant to the original audience, and challenges us to apply it to our personal lives and the life of the church. There is then a time to reflect on this message. Some of the ways we do this reflection time are a song to sing or listen to, a question to ponder, or something active like lighting a candle to signify a change we want to make.
Do you have communion?  On the first Sunday of each month we celebrate communion. As a guest, you are welcome and invited to participate, but you don’t have to. The elements of bread and juice will be passed along each row. Occasionally we practice communion by intinction (fancy word!) which means people walk forward to receive the elements, breaking off a small piece of bread and dipping it in the juice before eating it.

Do I have to give money?  Toward the end of the service, there is more music. We take our offering, which is the responsibility of our members to support the ministry financially. As a visitor, you are not expected to give.

How does the service end?  The pastor leads us in a time called “the prayers of the people.” The service closes with an upbeat song and a blessing by the pastor. Our people traditionally hold hands with those near them during this blessing. If you’re not comfortable holding hands, it’s okay, just politely decline. Afterward, most people stick around for a while to talk, while some leave right away to get on with their day.