Condit’s Permanent Committees
Committees serve until February 1, 2025
Christian Education:  Elder Melissa Vermillion
       Sunday School, Bible Study, Book Study Groups, VBS,  Youth Group, Nursery,  Christmas Program and other educational        opportunities such as Condit Kids,  Youth Group, and Young Adult Group.
        Teachers: Pam Sheets, Molly Blevins and Teresa Gorsuch.  Youth Leaders:  Allison Skinner, Grant Bartlett.

Communications: Elder Sandy Thacker
       Newsletter Melissa Vermillion. Facebook: Jennifer Shicks.  
       Press releases, advertising and notices to congregation, Polly Horn. 
       Website:   Bob Westbrook.  This Week in Condit: Sandy Thacker. Directory Editors: Donna Mucci and Laura Mucci.                 
       Email Prayer Chain:   Pastor Monte.
       Searles’ Church Sign:  Kathy Kees.
Congregational Care:  Elders Sheila Michols
       Activities that enrich the life and fellowship of the congregation, offer spiritual  support, visits to shut-ins and hospitals,
       provide crisis response by organizing carry-in meals, and back up funeral meals.    Committee members Judy Watts,  
       Donna Mucci, Marianne Wesrbrook, Carmie Joseph serve as Shepherds.They decorate the bulletin boards.
Missions:   Elder Marianne Westbrook
        Local Missions: Big Walnut Friends Who Share, Kathy Kees, Teresa Gorsuch
        National Missions:  Wands for Wildlife, Sheila Micholes
                                    American Red Cross Blood Drives, Polly Horn

Nominating Committee: Elder Doug Kerns and Trustee Molly Blevins
      2024 Nominating Committee consists of Elders  Marianne Westbrook,  Kathy Kees and Doug Kerns,                                   Trustee Molly Blevins and  Congregation-at-Large Pam Sheets.

Outreach and MembershipElders Judy Watts      
      Projects and Activities to bring new people into the church such as Welcome Bags
        Activities to encourage  inactive members to become active membersi      Help Clerk Update Membership list

Personnel: Elder Mick Sheets
        Does performance reviews and sets Pastor’s compensation.  Administers Brenner Scholarship Fund.

Presbytery Delegate:  Elder Judy Watts

Special Events:  Elder Mick Sheets   Once a year events which make Condit special:  Auto Show & Ice Cream Social,
       Bonfire & Hotdog Roast,  Outdoor Movie, etc. 
       Help with secular part of Condit Christmas (Santa, gifts)

Stewardship and Budget: Elders Doug Kerns and Ken Bartlett
reasurer Ken Bartlett,   Financial Secretary Doug Kerns,  Assistant Financial Secretary, Jane Lahmon.           

      2023  Financial Review Committee: Elder Doug Kerns, Trustee Molly Blevins,  Congregation-at-Large Pam Sheets,                              Treasurer Ken Bartlett, Financial Secretary Doug Kerns.

Worship and Music, Elder Kathy Kees
    Maintenance of divine worship. Communion stewards, Sunday morning and seasonal worship services, bulletin,
    musicians and music program.   
      Committee:  Adam Garner,
Teresa Gorsuch.         
        Acolytes: Bill and Teresa Gorsuch
        Audio Visual/Streaming Bob Westbrook
        Bulletin Editor: Adam Garner
Choir Director: Adam Garner         
        Communion Bread Baker: Donna Mucci                                  
        Communion Steward: Teresa Gorsuch                                         
        Music Director:  Adam Garner                                                     
        Sanctuary Flowers: Sheila Micholes
        Worship Powerpoint Slides: Polly Horn
Help strengthen the Condit Church by serving on a committee
If you are interested in helping with a committee, contact the Responsible Elder